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I see you, caregivers! I've got a little gift for you. And the 53 million other Americans like you.

Message 18, January, 2021

Dear Guest,

There are a staggering 53 million people in the U.S. who identify as family caregivers.* I’m one of them. And a lot of us feel trapped by this very narrow and strict and blame-filled definition of being a “good” caregiver that we inherited. We hear the message loud and clear that we aren't supposed to inconvenience other people by asking to have our needs met and by having the nerve to go after our own desires. It's exhausting to try to manage that kind of a rigged system.

That’s why I wrote From One Caregiver to Another - Overcoming Your Emotional Grind. Today, I've got a little gift for you - I’m sharing the recording of the first chapter with you. You can listen to it here.

One of the things I hear from caregivers a lot is that they feel invisible and forgotten. So if you are a caregiver, this is for you. If you have a friend or loved one who is a caregiver, please let them know you still see them by forwarding this email.

If you’d like to purchase the book, here’s where you can find it. 

And just an extra bonus for you: while I don’t mention it in chapter one, throughout the rest of the book, I talk about the power of doing Thought Downloads and I refer to a free “Thought Download Cheat Sheet” I wrote. If you want to go ahead grab the Cheat Sheet, you can find it here.

In the next message, I’m going to help you figure out where to start to get relief from your emotional grind. Whatever your grind looks like, you will have a starting point you can figure out pretty quickly. 

Please let me know if you can relate to this, or if you have any thoughts or  questions, by leaving a comment here.

Kay Coughlin

* “Caregiving in the U.S. 2020” report. In the book, I referred to the number of people identifying as family caregivers in the U.S. as of 2015. But since I released the book, thankfully, this new data has become available. 


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